chilltothebone NP chill NP to the bone "chill someone to the bone" A Stimulus frightens an Experiencer very much. The cool threat chilled her to the bone.
razetotheground NP raze NP to the ground "raze n to the ground" An Agent completely destroys a Landmark. In the 13thC the Crusaders razed all the mosques to the ground.
settomusic NP set NP to music "set n to music" A Composer writes music for the words of a Text to be sung to. He has set 20 poems by Allen Ginsberg to music.
Vthat15 NP Verb that Clause Reasoning "V that" An Arguer utters some Content to show that some state of affairs is true. Mr Fujimori has now promised that new laws will be debated in advance.
committopaper NP commit NP to paper/writing "commit n to paper/writing" A Writer records some Content by writing it down. He seldom committed any of his designs to paper.
committomemory NP commit NP to memory "commit n to memory" A Cognizer memorises some Content. Ravi committed the E-mail to memory, erased it from the computer.
Vnton2-2 NP Verb NP to NP Subjective_influence "V n to n" A Cause influences a Cognizer to adopt a Behaviour. I wanted to drive her to the very edge of despair.
Vnton2-3 NP Verb NP to NP Adjusting "V n to n" An Agent changes a Feature (often of him- or herself) to fit some Circumstances. I accostumed my pupils to the tiny hard lenses.
resignselfton NP Verb -self to NP "resign -self to n" A Cognizer comes to accept a Situation (typically an unpleasant one), usually because he or she realises that they cannot change it. They resigned themselves to the Roman presence in their country.
Vnton2-4 NP Verb NP to NP Limiting/extending "V n to n" An Agent changes the Extent of a Phenomenon, reducing it or expanding it. Profiting from the troubles in the north, he has extended his kingdom to the south and east.
Vnton2-5 NP Verb NP to NP Appointing "V n to n" A Selector assigns an Appointee to assume a Role. The company promoted Joel Kocher to president of all sales, marketing and service operations worldwide.
Vnton2-6 NP Verb NP to NP Cause to experience "V n to n" A Cause is responsible for a Patient experiencing a Situation, typically a detrimental one. The military tribunal had condemned six other officers to life imprisonment.
putntodeath NP put NP to death "put n to death" An Authority causes a Victim to be killed, usually because of some wrongdoing. Here we still put murderers to death.