Appointing "V n to n" construction




Selector [The company]
Verb promoted
Appointee [Joel Kocher]
to to
Role [ president of all sales, marketing and service operations worldwide.]
Selector [The Labour leader, Mr Neil Kinnock, ]
Verb appointed
Appointee [Mr Paul Boateng]
to to
Role [his front bench Treasury team.]


A Selector assigns an Appointee to assume a Role.


The person who assigns the Appointee to the Role.
A person who is assigned to the Role.
The function assumed by the Appointee as a result of the Selector's assignment, or the group which the Appointee becomes a member of.


Appointing ( Selector, Appointee, Role, Body )


This construction covers events in which someone gains a new job, function, or role. As indicated in the role's definition, the Role role can either refer to the actual position, or more generally to a group that the Appointee is made to join (e.g. a committee, council, board, assembly, etc.); in the latter case, the Appointee's new role is simply understood to be member of that group, and the exact nature of the role can often be inferred from the nature of the group. The availability of either type of Role largely depends on the verb. For instance, 'recruit' is restricted to groups, whereas 'promote' primarily occurs with functions.

Inherits from


Lexical items ( Verb slot)

Appointing accredit The Ministry of Labour had accredited extra delegates to unions opposing Ubaldini. appoint The Labour leader, Mr Neil Kinnock, has appointed Mr Paul Boateng to his front bench Treasury team. demote Mobutu announced on Nov. 25 that he had appointed Nguza as Prime Minister, demoting Diaka to the rank of Minister of State. nominate When the United Kingdom had entered the EEC, it had asked the major parties to nominate representatives to the Parliament. ordain In 1944, he ordained Deaconess Florence Lei Tim-Oi to the priesthood, so that her congregation of about 150 Christians in Macao could receive the sacraments. promote The company promoted Joel Kocher to president of all sales, marketing and service operations worldwide. upgrade The loss of Cresswell upgraded Lovell to a midfield coach. recruit Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard tried to recruit him to their team at Columbia. recall When Fred Workman recalled me to the editorial offices I rushed back to my old love. transfer The USSR Supreme Soviet on Dec. 11 elected Sergei Lushchikov as USSR Justice Minister, transferring his predecessor Veniamin Yakovlev to the post of Chief State Arbiter.

Phraseological constructions