Vnn-kissgoodbye NP kiss NP goodbye "kiss someone goodbye" An Agent kisses a Recipient to say goodbye to them. Kelly and I kissed the kids goodbye at the pool.
Vnn-spintale NP spin NP a tale/story "spin someone a tale" A Speaker gives an Addressee an account of something that is untrue or only partly true. He spun me a tale about Esmeralda.
Vnn1-5 NP Verb NP NP Allow/deny possession "V n n" An Agent has the authority to decide whether or not a Protagonist has a Theme, and they either allow the Protagonist to have the Theme, or keeps the Protagonist from having the Theme. Nancy allowed herself a moment of despair.
Vnn1-6 NP Verb NP NP Cause to have "V n n" A fact or event (the Cause) causes a Recipient to have a Theme. The battle eventually won him an extra 200m in government funding.
Vnn1-7 NP Verb NP NP Cause not to have "V n n" A fact or event (the Cause) causes a Protagonist not to have a Theme. Something you write could lose somebody their job.
Vnn-commercecollect NP Verb NP NP Commerce_collect "V n n" A Seller collects Money from a Buyer in exchange for some goods. They are charging me a fortune.
Vnn-cost NP cost NP NP "cost n n" An Asset (usually money) is to be given up by a Payer in order to obtain a Theme. The Kyoto agreement would cost Canada 450 thousand jobs.
Vnn-taketime NP take NP NP "take someone time" An Activity requires some Time_length to be completed by an Agent. The job search took him seven years.
Vnn-dock NP dock NP NP "dock someone their money" An Agent prevents a Protagonist from having an Asset that they own or are owed (typically wages or some other money). NASCAR also docked him 25 points for his use of profanity.
Vnn1-8 NP Verb -self NP Getting "V oneself n" An Agent acquires a Theme for him- or herself. I 'll get myself a cup of coffee.