Cause_change "V n to n" construction




Agent He
Verb change
Patient [his name]
to to
Final_state Jack.
Agent [Snow showers]
Verb reduce
Patient visibility
to to
Final_state [a few yards.]
Agent [These three wars]
Verb swell
Patient [the national debts]
to to
Final_state [the amount of 170 millions.]


An Agent causes an Entity to change to a Final_state.


The person or thing that effects a change in the Entity.
The abstract or concrete thing or situation that the Agent causes to change.
The category that the Entity belongs to, or the value that it or one of its attributes assumes after it has undergone the change.


Cause_change ( Agent, Entity, Final_category, Final_value )


This construction expresses change of state events, either a change of category (e.g. convert, turn) or a change in value (e.g. increase, reduce). Note that in the case of 'keep', the verb lexicalises the absence of change.

Inherits from


Lexical items ( Verb slot)

Rejuvenation restore It's not a happiness pill, it just restores you to to some sort of normality. Commutation commute The Head of State commuted the sentences to 15 years' imprisonment. Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale decrease Both mutants decrease transcription of the reporter gene to approximately 50% of the non-mutated, wild type DNA values. demote It would have the effect of demoting physics to a branch of psychology. drop To help them I dropped the touring commission to 10 per cent. increase You can increase the abdominal repetitions to any number you like as long as 3 sets are performed. keep That way you will keep stress to a minimum. lower Kattina lowered her voice to a whisper. promote None raise Such zoning can raise the price of land to as much as 40 per cent of the cost of a house. reduce Beware of snow showers, because they can reduce visibility to a few yards, making a safe landing impossible. swell These three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions. cut down By sticking to just one biscuit instead of four Nicky could cut the total calories down to 1,850. Cause_change change He failed the end of year exams after the first year and changed his subject to sociology. convert The firm has also brazenly converted redundant pubs to café-bar concepts. turn The sound turned my blood to ice. abbreviate I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme. narrow down I narrowed the possibilities down to five. shorten My parents call me Bunny and shorten it to B. whittle down I have whittled my own shortlist down to four models. Lexical items without a frame: elevate In 1924 he began a programme of sponsorship aimed at elevating the Persian rug industry to levels of excellence that had not been seen since the Golden Age of the 16th and 17th centuries. relegate He had relegated the match to part of a bigger event. turn over Thousands of farmers have turned over good irrigated land to tree farming. upgrade The university upgraded her job to dean of admissions in 1986. round off round up round down

Phraseological constructions

Michael Moore's David-and-Goliath commentaries cut conservative bigwigs down to size.
He braked the carryall to a halt.
The cool threat chilled her to the bone.
In the 13thC the Crusaders razed all the mosques to the ground.
He has set 20 poems by Allen Ginsberg to music.
He seldom committed any of his designs to paper.
The Out Islands do not commit their history to writing.
Ravi committed the E-mail to memory, erased it from the computer.
I very soon committed his busy weekly schedule to memory.