Cause_motion "V n to n" construction




Agent They
Verb brought
Theme coffee
to to
Recipient us.
Agent [Mr Watts]
Verb sent
Theme [10,000 copies of the pamphlet]
to to
Recipient MPs.
Agent I
Verb delivered
Theme it
to to
Recipient [my agent]
to be framed.


An Agent causes a Theme to move to a Recipient.


The person that causes the Theme to move to the Recipient.
The thing that is moved by the Agent to the Recipient's location.
The person whose location the Theme is moved to, and who may end up in possession or in control of the Theme as a result.


Cause_motion ( Agent, Theme, Goal )

Inherits from


Lexical items ( Verb slot)

Sending export In 1988 Canada exported US$1,140 million worth of goods to the Soviet Union. air On this day June 25, 1951 CBS airs the first colour TV program to four other U.S. cities. broadcast Similarly, a British satellite station could broadcast beer commercials to France, while French television could not. email We will email your request to reputable estate agents. fax I faxed pictures of the damaged Tri-Pacer to Tim, who thought it could be fixed. forward We'll forward your letters to Mr Smith. live-stream mail He mailed his last love letter to Gabriella from Plymouth in 1947. post Knighton has promised to post a formal offer document to shareholders by 11 October. relay I relayed the message to the airport manager who rushed to the control tower just in time. send Mr Watts sent 10,000 copies of the pamphlet to MPs. stream They answer to a webcam overhead that's streaming their response to players in a virtual office. televise The Iraqis say they have asked the United States to televise a message to the American people which has been recorded by President Saddam Hussein. transmit The British Broadcasting Company commenced transmitting regular programmes to the public in 1926. upload Daren uploaded the target coordinates to the weapons in the aft bomb bay. webcast The monks would transform the fractals into a temporal sand painting, the making of which we would webcast live to everyone on the playa. wire Belloc wired the news of her death to his mother. Passing pass I clean it out with antiseptic wipes, passing them to Nathan to finish the job when Stig starts to buck and fight. Delivery deliver I delivered it to my agent to be framed. Bringing bring They brought coffee to us and then the door was closed quietly. Lexical items without a frame: distribute Some retailers also distribute simple handbills to passing shoppers. pass on return After returning the van to the hire company, I went for a long walk in Hyde Park.

Phraseological constructions